Saturday, October 22, 2011

Learner Dictionary (2)

The MacMillan dictionary

The MacMillan dictionary is a good resource for both leanrners and teachers of English. MacMillan is my preferred learner dictionary at the moment.  This is what you get;
  • clear definitions with the word class given (noun, adjective and so on)
  • British and American audio pronunciation as well as a phonemic transcription of the word
  • word forms that include present and past tense forms and participles
  • related dictionary definitions
  • a red star system to tell you how common the words are. This is based on the 7,500 most commonly used words in British English. Three red starts means the word is very common, two less so and one even less so
  • sound effects so that you can hear and understand the differencee between difficult pairs of words such as whimper and  moan
  • a get it right box showing common  mistakes that learners make
  • a blog that has lots of information and facts about words
  • langauge learning videos and worksheets for teachers to use with learners
The dictionary can be found at:

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