Friday, May 18, 2012

Check your written work for plagiarism


The Plagiarism checker

The Plagiarism checker is an online tool that allows students to check their written work for signs of plagiarism.

How does it work?

Copy and paste your written work into the test box and choose the check the paper button underneath.
The Plagiarism checker will analyse your written by comparing it to twxt on the internet. Any matches (copying) will be shown and the degree to which your work matches a page from the internet is shown as a %. The results report at the bottom of the box tells you whether you are suspected of plagiarism or not.  It will look something like this. My example has no matches and the result is 'No plagiarism suspected'. This is beacuse the writing I checked was original and not copied from the internet!

To upload a Word file and check it you will have to pay $8!

The Plagiarism checker can be found at -

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