Thursday, October 27, 2011

Listen to songs and fill in the gaps onscreen

Lyrics training is a great place to watch YouTube videos, listen to songs and improve your listening skills by filling in blank words in the song. This how to do it

  • go to:
  • search for a song that you like or select one of the suggestions from the home page
  • choose a level from the list below the video player (beginner - intermediate - expert)
  • the song will start to play from YouTube
  • the lyrics will appear below the video
  • the lyrics are displayed line by line
  • the line being sung will be coloured green
  • fill in the gapped word letter by letter- the song will actually stop to give you time to do this and start again when you have typed your answer
  • only correct letters will be accepted
  • the time you take to complete is shown by the clock under the words
  • the number of  gaps and answers given is shown under the words
  • register to take part in the leader board competition

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